ERASMUS + (KA2) 2016/2017
V sodelovanju s šolo Zwijsen College Veghel iz Nizozemske in sp. omenjenimi partnerji smo zaprosili za odobritev projekta Erasmus+ KA2 "Food and Sustainability Thrive" (FAST). Naši dijaki bodo tako imeli priložnost, da skupaj s sovrstniki iz nekaterih drugih držav evropske unije primerjajo raznolike (ekološke) pogoje za pridelavo hrane. Naši učitelji pa bodo lahko svoje metode poučevanja primerjali z metodami, ki jih uporabljajo njihovi kolegi iz ostalih partnerskih šol. Verjamemo, da bo projekt uspešen.
Naši partnerji so: |
Together with the Zwijsen College Veghel from the Netherlands and the partners mentioned below we have applied for the Erasmus+ KA2 project "Food and Sustainability Thrive" (FAST). FAST is a science project dealing with sustainability, specifically ecology and the production of food in our regions. Our students will have an opportunity to work with their peers from other EU countries while comparing the diverse (ecological) circumstances concerning food production. Our teachers will have an opportunity to compare their teaching methods with the teaching methods used by their colleagues at the pratner schools. We all believe in the success of the project.
Our partners are: |